Friday, September 24, 2010

Hurricane Ike

This picture best displays the composition of both simplicity and balance. It fulfills the rule of simplicity because the picture doesn't consist of a lot of details. The house is the biggest object that fills up the background of the picture. It also fulfills the rule of balance because the house which is the main focus is placed almost in the middle. It slightly stands on the right more but the cars are filling up spaces which make the picture more balanced. The subject of this photo strikes me because it's hard to imagine such a nice house like that was swept away by the hurricane. It is also sad for the hardworking of the people that tried to build it up.

This picture best displays the composition of Avoiding Mergers because the woman takes up most the space of the picture. When you look at this picture, you immediately look at her because she is the main focus that makes you not wanting to look at anywhere else. The subject of this photo strikes me because of how emotional the picture makes me feel. I can really feel how they were going through such a disaster that no one expected to happen. They were probably thinking that it was the end of their life because they had to start their life over again from scratch.

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