Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Magazine Cover NOTES

Cover Types:
  1. Early Magazine Covers 
  •  No photo
  • Mainly paintings or drawings
  • Big color spots, big areas of colors
  • No date line, price tag, barcode
  • Simple
  • Subjects are mostly ethical related such as church, life, nature.
     2.  The Poster Cover
  • Small words/not much texts
  • No barcode (Some do and some don't)
  • Plain
  • Date
  • Price 
  • Just a photograph and a title basically
  • Great photo 
  • Disadvantage: photo has to be good or people won't buy it
     3.  Pictures Married to Type
  •  Less words/texts
  • Words are mostly on one side/corner
  • Words are wrapped around subject 
  • Text is involved(engaged) in the photo. (inside the photo) 
  • Words go along with the topic
  • Disadvantage:  a little boring, not much to spark people's interests, not as many entry points 
      4.  In the Forest of Words
  • A lot of words are all over the place
  • different subjects, fonts, sizes, colors
  •  Disadvantage: distracting & sometimes you don't see the full photograph

Stuff that should be in my magazine cover: 
  • A title
  • Photograph
  • Bar code
  • Price
  • Date line

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