Friday, October 29, 2010

Processing Black and White Photos

1.) Materials to process black and white films:

  • A metal or plastic film tank
  • Three dark plastic containers to hold chemistry
  • Graduates (used to measure chemicals)
  • A darkroom timer
  • A can opener
  • A room that is totally light proof (not even the slightest sliver of light should be visible).
  • Developer (see other sidebar)
  • Glacial Acetic Acid (optional, for Stop Bath)
  • Fixer (Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener is highly recommended)
  • Hypo Eliminator
2.) Chemicals used for processing B&W film:

  • Film Developer
  • Fixer with hardener
  • Stop bath
  • Hypo Eliminator Bath
3.) Summary
So basically in the darkroom, you would have to remove your film from the cassette. You load the film onto either a metal or plastic film reel. After that, you place the loaded reel in the film tank and cover it as directed. You can turn on the light after that because the film is now in a light tight container. Here comes the actual processing part. First of all, you would have to set up your chemicals in front of you which include a film developer, a stop bath, a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath. You want to make sure that the temperature of the chemicals is carefully controlled because they are affected by the speed of the film and the temperature of the developer. The next step is pour developer into the open part of the sealed film tank also known as the pour spout and cover it. Leave it there for a certain amount of time required. When your done, take the lid off the tank's pour spout and pour it out. Now pour running water into the pour spout for one minute to stop development. Now it is time to use a fixer with hardener to fix your image so then it could be viewed in normal light. Usually fixing takes around 5 to 10 minutes. After that, you remove the tank cover completely and let the film sit in cold running water for five minutes. Now you are going to remove all traces of the fixer to avoid the appearance of white stains on the negatives. Then pour in a tankful of Hypo eliminator and agitate for 2 minutes. Finally you wash it for another 5 minutes. Now pull the film out of the tank and use washing pins or film clips to hang the film to dry in a dust-free area. The film will be dried in about 1 to 2 hours.
Film Tank 


Film Developer


Words Definitions
1. Contact sheet - a photographic image produced from film
2. Agitation - keeping a chemical moving
3. Enlarger - a specialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints for film
4. Developer - causes the silver iodide of the film or paper emulsion to darken if it has been exposed to light
5. Stop Bath - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion (to stop development of the film)
6. Fixer - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What the pros are doing - Repetition

Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia.

This picture is being repeated by the picture on the screen and how the seats are arranged.  

Bubbly Time
The Red Sox let the champagne fly after winning their second World Series in four years.
This picture is being repeated by the colors of the uniforms that these men are wearing, the glasses and the beer buckets.

Slice of Heaven
Judges rate Alpine cheese in Oberstdorf, Germany. Jury members at the 5th Alpine Cheese Olympics rated over 700 kinds of Alpine cheese from all over the world.

This picture is being repeated by  the shapes of the cakes, how the tables are aligned, and the people that are wearing the same uniform.

Monday, October 25, 2010

American Soldier slideshows and captions

A. This is a powerful image because it shows their emotions and how sad they are that they had to leave home.

B. The most powerful sequence of photographs would be the "signing up" pictures. It shows a pattern of his path from graduating til he had to leave home. Ian was trying to have a good time with his family and friends before he had to leave. The pattern of the pictures goes from when he graduated, when he spent times with his family and friends and finally the day that he had to pack up.

C. The images work together to tell a story by showing snapshots of actions to describe what is happening in the pictures.

A. Present tense.
B. It describes what is happening in the picture or the story behind it


Jonathan kisses his girlfriend passionately at a gathering of old friends.
Jonathan and Kayla were having fun at the party before Monday when they had to go work.

A.The features in the videos enhance the photographs by giving the audience a clearer idea of the story and it shows how the characters feel towards what was happening.

B. The videos give you more information about the story behind the pictures beside just relying on the captions to figure out the story by yourself. An example of the video would be when his mother talks about how she was there to sign the papers work with her son. She asked him if he really wants to do this and he said yes. And also his dad talks about how Ian decided to join the army and that he respects his decision.Without watching the video,I wouldn't have known that Ian Fisher had an option to refuse the service that he was offered. I originally thought that Ian was required to go but he actually made the decision to join the army.

C. There are some ways that the photos are better than the videos because there's more details in the photos. The photos give you a visual imagination of what the people are talking about in the video. The photos also show you what was happening and who the characters were, etc. An example in the video would be when everybody was expressing how emotional they were when Ian was leaving but don't you really want to know how they looked? and what they did for him before he had to leave? Basically photos and videos work together to convey the story to the audience.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny Captions

Lulu's wearing his favorite outfit taking a walk on a saturday afternoon. 
He was trying to take a sneak peek at a cute kitty when his owner was trying to pull him away.

Omgg! it's the newest invention of the Macbook.
I was wondering if you guys ever seen how it looks like so here it is.

Lisa is a weak little kitty without a family or even a shelter.
She unfortunately had no where to go so the street became her new home from now on.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marlboro Marine

A. What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slideshow? (Think about the overall presentation: audio, editing, text)
-Luis Sinco includes a lot of techniques in his video such as voice over of the main character. He uses text to indicate the location, time period and etc. The video not only consists of photographs but also the main character talking which makes it more interesting. It gives people an idea of how the main character sounds like to have a better imagination of him.

B. What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slideshow?
 -It makes the video sounds more emotional and with more feelings

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?
-The one that he was smoking a cigarette and putting his head down.  It shows a lot of emotions and  the depressing look on his face.

B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
-The sequence of the building exploding is the most powerful photograph to me because it's showing me how terrible it was and soldiers were running everywhere panicking.

C. How does the audio enhance the photographs?
-The audio enhances the photographs by connecting the story and the pictures together. The pictures are presented to give us an idea of what the character is talking about in the video.

D. How do the images work together to tell a story?
-While the main character is narrating, the pictures in the video go along to help and give the audience an idea of what he is talking about.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Contest Preview Part 2

This picture is interesting because I think he's awesome. I wonder how he could walk and balance himself on the tiny string. It's just really crazy and really cool :)

Video :

I think this video is very interesting because they are talking about this young girl who is going through so many surgeries because her skull isn't growing normally. She also has vision lost and hearing lost. In order to recover from all these she has been going through a lot of surgeries. I think it is really sad and tragic for a young girl to go through such hardships in her life because she is so young and so innocent :( ....

Contest Preview

ATPI Fall Contest

This picture is powerful because I don't know how there's stars during day time.... "O.O"
The colors and effects make the picture really stands out especially the palm tree is the center of attention in the big blue sky. It looks like it's blocking the sun and exposing sun lights. The picture is exposed by the denseness and solidity of its color which mainly focuses on the blue sky but the palm tree still stands out. The picture looks very sharp and flawless. There's really not much details but the picture doesn't look empty at all. It fulfills the rule balance because it has darkness and brightness. It also fulfills the rule of simplicity because it basically consists of a palm tree and a background of a blue sky. But anywaiiiiii, I think this picture is a realllyyyyyy kooool picture :D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Black & White Photographers PART 3

Josef Koudelka

1) I see the man is standing from somewhere off the ground. When I first first look at this picture, the first thing i notice is the tower at the end tip of the picture. I think this picture is symmetrical because if you divide the picture into half half, it would look symmetric.
2) I smell trees because there are a lot of trees around. I smell dirt because the street looks very dirty. It's like the street has been lying there for a long time. No one is driving on it and it gets old.
3) I hear honking noises from the only car that is visible in this picture. I hear the wind trying to escape from the gaps between the trees. I hear birds squeaking through the silence of early morning when no one is present.
4) I taste dry air and trees because there are too many trees that would make the environment smells like trees. The dry air
5) I feel like I'm walking on an endless road. I feel like I'm the only one that is present because no one is around. I feel like I have everything that is mine that I can do whatever I want :)

1) I see a lot of snow and people are trying to get away from the cold. I see a man on a unicycle trying to cross the street that is filled with snow. I see cars and a lot of things around dipped in snow. I see it is snowing and that's why the man on the unicycle is hiding himself under an umbrella because he probably doesn't want to get wet from the snow.
2) I smell snow and the coldness from it. I also smell natural because when it's snowing, it doesnt specifically smell or taste like anything and I think snow doesn't have a smell. I smell coffee from the coffee shops and the people because everybody drinks hot coffee to warm themselves up when it's really cold especially in the cold states :)
3) I hear the snow falling and traveling around in the air. I hear the creaking noises that the cars make from trying to get away from the snow on the street.
4) I taste cold air that's traveling through my mouth and my tongue. I taste snow falling in my mouth when I talk or try to warm up my hands by breathing on them :)
5) I feel really cold because it is snowing and it's freezing. I feel the snow on my clothes and its making me colder :((

Monday, October 4, 2010

Academics Preview

                                                The Story
 Based on my opinions, I think this picture has a great story behind it. As you can see, the man looks like he's one of the people that go around the world to help the poor and abandoned children. He's even wearing a banner on his neck which gives you an idea of what he might be. The photographer took this picture really closed up because he wants the audience to recognize the sympathy look that the man has on the little girl. More than that, the background could give you a little bit more information about this story. Those boxes and bags could be the things that they bring to the poor children. And again, I think this picture tells the best story and it gives people emotions.

                                                     Action and Emotion
 The reason why I picked this picture as the best action because I think the boy in the picture looks really tense about what he's doing. You can see the serious look on his face while he is pouring the liquid into a different tube. You can also tell that he's serious because he doesn't want to spill the liquid because he might get in trouble for that.

                                                        Filling the Frame
I picked this picture as the most interesting picture because I think it is really interesting and it trigs my curiosity. When I first looked at this picture, I really want to know what he is holding. It looks really interesting and it makes you want to know what he's disecting. You can see the serious look on his face. It's like he's wondering what's inside the thing or what's gona happen after he disects the thing. Who knows?