Friday, October 8, 2010

Contest Preview

ATPI Fall Contest

This picture is powerful because I don't know how there's stars during day time.... "O.O"
The colors and effects make the picture really stands out especially the palm tree is the center of attention in the big blue sky. It looks like it's blocking the sun and exposing sun lights. The picture is exposed by the denseness and solidity of its color which mainly focuses on the blue sky but the palm tree still stands out. The picture looks very sharp and flawless. There's really not much details but the picture doesn't look empty at all. It fulfills the rule balance because it has darkness and brightness. It also fulfills the rule of simplicity because it basically consists of a palm tree and a background of a blue sky. But anywaiiiiii, I think this picture is a realllyyyyyy kooool picture :D

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