Thursday, November 4, 2010

Making a Black and White print

1.) Materials necessary to make a black and white print
  • Timer
  • Focusing Aids
  • Safelights
  • Developer
  • Fix
  • Stop bath
  • Enlarger
  • Photo paper
  • Film
  • Scissors
  • Water
  • 4 large containers
  • 3 pairs of tongs

2.) List of chemicals
  • Developer
  • Fix
  • Stop bath 

 3.) Summary

First of all, you need to have all your equipments ready to go in the dark room then turn the light off except for the orange dark light on. The next step is pour the chemicals and water into 4 different containers about 1 inch deep then follow the instructions on how to mix them. After that, you place the test strip underneath the enlarger and cover all but 1 inch of it with a dark solid material. Press the button on your enlarger to expose the film for ½ a second to 1 full second. Then continuously move the paper down 1 inch and expose the film until you run out of room. Now your going to develop your test strip photo using the chemicals prepared. First you sink it in the developer and agitate with the tongs until you see the image. Then take it out to the stop bath  for 1 minute then rinse it with water for a few second before you drop it into the fix solution for 3-5minutes. After that you rinse it with water again then look at the test strip in normal light in order to choose the exposure you like best for your print. Come back to the darkroom and repeat all the steps above for your actual photo print then your done.

Words Definitions

1. emulsion - A light sensitive coating on photographic film and paper. An emulsion is made up of silver halides and gelatin.
2. aperture - the camera allows you to select the aperture over the available range and have the camera calculate the best shutter speed to expose the image correctly.
3. masking easel - A darkroom device used to hold paper flat while exposing it to light from an enlarger. An easel creates a white border surrounding a print because its "arms" block light from striking the print paper's edges.
4. exposure - the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium or during the process of taking a photograph.
5. safe light - A filtered light thats used in a darkroom to allow you to see while handling light sensitive material.
6. dodging - used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area(s) on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the image's exposure.
7. burning - used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area(s) on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the image's exposure.

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