Thursday, November 11, 2010

Photo manipulation and ethics


A. The story basically talks about how photographers were fired from their companies due to image manipulation by using software such as Adobe Photoshop to alter the photos. The message that the story is trying to convey is that it is not acceptable to use softwares to alter photos because that's hiding the truth from everybody. Being a photographer, it could ruin your whole career if you do something illegal and unethical.

B. I think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable because it ruins a photographer's reputation and their professionalism. By altering the photos, they are offending the people or the object being altered. When the audience look at the pictures, they want to see the reality in it because nobody wants to see lies in it. It also ruins the credibility of the photographer. If their action is exposed, then their whole career is gone. All the efforts they had put in become nothing. It's the honesty and sincerity that the photographers should show their audience and deliver the truth to the world.


A. I think this picture is the most unethical because it offends Oprah. It is definitely an insult toward Oprah in a way by telling the audience that Oprah's body is not good enough to be on the newspaper so they replaced it with Ann Margaret's body.

B. I think this picture is the least unethical because it's basically just a picture, a cover. It doesn't contain people or anything that would make it offensive. They manipulated this picture by moving the pyramids closer together to accommodate this vertical National Geographic cover. I think it doesn't hurt anything by doing that. They just want it to look better the way they think it would.

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