Thursday, December 2, 2010

Print evaluation - My first print

1.) The subject of the picture is kind of blurry but it could still be considered the most sharp focus compared to the rest of details in the picture.
a.) The part that appears to be closer toward your eyes and the background is not focused.
b.) Because the details or objects in the picture are too far away from the camera. For example, background. because it isn't your main focus so you want the focus to be on the main subject.

2.) No, not really because there's more white than black in the picture.

3.) Yes. The photo fulfills the rule of thirds and balance. The photo shows the boy writing on a paper which proves that he's doing something academicly.

4.) Yes, there are several solid white spots on the print. It could have probably happened during processing the print.

5.) Yes. There are both rings and spots. It could be because of the chemicals that were used for processing a print.



Who is in the photo?

What are they doing?
School work

Where are they?
In class

When is this happening?
During school.DUH!

Why are they doing this?
Because the teacher told them to



Jimmy is working on his assignment for the lab he is working on.
Everybody else seemed to be off task because they were just zoning out and not even doing anything.

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