Monday, March 28, 2011

Interviewing skills

Assignment #1
Topic: School uniforms
1) Sources: Teachers, school principal, students
2) Interview Questions
The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask?   
  1. What will the uniforms look like?
  2. What are the rules or restrictions to types of clothes students are supposed to wear?
  3. What level of school will be enforced with this? For ex: elementary, middle school etc.
  4. How would the students react to this new policy?
  5. What would be done if students including parents oppose to this?
  6. What solutions would be made if there are students violating the policy?
  7. What would the punishments be? Or warnings?
  8. How are teachers involved to have control of students violating the policy?
  9. Why should we have a school uniform policy?
  10. What is the main purpose?
  11. How strict should this be?
  12. Are there any exceptions? For ex: Hair, shoes etc..
  13. Are there any facial restrictions? Ex: piercings, or hair etc..
  14. How are uniforms provided? How do students get their uniforms?
  15. When will the policy be enforced?
  16. What were some of the problems that the school board were encountered with in order to come up with a consensus?
  17. What actions would be done if a student comes to school without their uniform?
  18. What if students can't afford uniforms?
  19. How will the uniforms be relative to certain weathers?
  20. Finally, do you think this will be effective toward school board or schools expectations?

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