Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Final Exam Study Guide
1. Explain how to get to the server drives and your folder.
-Double click on server drives. Click on My Computer -> jstudent (T:) -> Photojournalism -> Your class period -> Find your name then click on it then TA DAA :]
2. Explain how we use in this class
-Blogger is used to do our assignments that were assigned by teacher. Everything is basically computerized so stuff that we do will be posted on our blogs for everybody to see within the school.
3. Explain the process of creating a pinhole camera
- First you need an oatmeal box, construction papers, black tape, scissors, a sewing pin to poke a hole, a blade, and glue. After you have gathered all the materials that you need then you start making the camera. When making a pinhole camera, you would have its inside covered completely by construction papers. There should be no light shining into it. By doing that, you use tape to tape around the mouth of your cap. After you've done all the above, you use the sewing pin to poke a hole in between the top to the bottom of the box. Use a small piece of construction paper to cover up the hole from the outside. Make it like a flap. After that, your done. Yey!!
4. Explain how the pinhole camera works and how the image is transferred to the paper inside
-As you know, a pinhole camera is a camera that produces black and white images. The hole that you made during the process of making a pinhole camera is for the picture to be captured in daylight. In order to take a picture, you need to place the picture sheet inside with the shiny face facing toward the hole. Then you have to go outside, place your camera on something that it won't move. Open the flap to reveal the hole for a certain amount of time for the picture to be taken. When you open the flap, the light is being captured through the hole and into the picture sheet. After that, you have to process the paper into black and white picture then you're done :D
5. Know how to define and explain the 10 rules of composition, these 10 rules will be a MAJOR portion of the final and you better know how to recognize these rules, explain these rules and show me you understand them:
5a. Rule of thirds - Rule of thirds is where the subject of your picture is on one of the corners divided by 2 lines horizontally and 3 lines vertically.
5b. Balancing Elements - is when the main subject is balancing with another object from the background
5c. Leading Lines - Lines that lead you toward the main subject through out the whole photo
5d. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition) - is when both sides of the picture are the same when you divide it into half.
5e. Viewpoint - when a photographer capture a picture from the top downward toward the subject or from the bottom upward.
5f. Background/simplicity - Background consists of solid color. Not much details. Basically it has to be simple.
5g. Create depth - When a picture is 3D-ish that it looks like you could step into or out of it. Everything should be focussed.
5h. Framing - When objects or things in the picture surround the main subject
5i. Cropping - When a certain subject is the only thing that's focussed on the picture. Everything else is blurry.
5j. Mergers and avoiding them - are things that block or bug you from looking at the subject such as an arm growing out of a head of a person in the picture.
6. Explain how action and emotion impact a photograph
Action and emotion impact a photo by giving the audience a connection between them and what they are looking at.
7. Explain how a photo can "tell a story"
Details, action, emotion, are all factors in a photo that can give you ideas about what has happened, the story behind it.
8. Explain what the word "multimedia" means and share some examples of how we have seen them in class (on the blog)
Multimedia is involved with filming, music, movies, anything that is electronic or computerized, maybe? Some examples are videos and pictures.
9. Know how to correctly write a caption. I HIGHLY suggest you rewrite the rules on your blog and find at least 2 photos on the internet, post them on your blog and write correct captions for them. This will be a MAJOR portion of the exam as well.
10. Explain how "strong action" verbs enhance a caption
A strong action verb emphasizes the main point that the caption is making.
11. Explain how ethics come into play in regards to photojournalism and compare and contrast this with fashion photography. You really need to get the idea that changing photos to fit a need or to make something look like something else is VERY unacceptable in photojournalism.
In photojournalism, ethics play an important role because photojournalists are supposed to deliver truths, let the people around know what's going on by providing pictures, information, and news. Fashion photography is a different thing because in fashion, everybody expects the best. For example, no one wants to see a pimple on a model's face in a magazine because they expect a model to be flawless. That's just a common perception. Whereas in photojournalism, photojournalist cant totally change a fact because it affects the community and affects everybody else.
12. Explain the difference between a portrait and a self portrait.
A portrait is a picture taken of someone else and a self-portrait is a picture taken of yourself.
13. Explain what characteristics of a good portrait are.
It would consists of good focus, color effects, photo composition rules and other factors that come along.
14. Explain what the major differences are between newspaper and yearbook.
Newspaper is when news, information, and facts are being delivered through out school community. Students and other people have the opportunity to express their opinions about the school and etc. Yearbook is composed of mainly pictures to keep as history and memories. Sometimes we would want to look back at those and reminisce.
Definitions you are responsible for (I highly recommend you post these on your blog with the definitions and make sure they are correct, many of the ones you posted on your blog previously were INCORRECT. All definitions need to relate directly to photojournalism. Example: many of you defined burning as "pain that feels hot as if it were on fire" , when the correct answer is "burning- increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker."):
1. Aperture - the camera allows you to select the aperture over the available range and have the camera calculate the best shutter speed to expose the image correctly.
2. Shutter - a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film or a light-sensitive electronic sensor to light to capture a permanent image of a scene.
3. Exposure - the total amount of light allowed to fall in the photograhic medium or during the process of taking a photograph.
4. F-stop - A measure of the size of the opening in a lens calibrated to a corresponding focal length.
5. Single lens reflex - A type of camera with one lens which is used both for viewing and for taking the picture. a mirror inside the camera reflects the image up into the viewfinder. When the picture is taken, this mirror moves out of the way,allowing the light entering the lens to travel directly to the film.
6. Negative - a total inversion of a positive image, in which light areas appear dark and vice versa.
7. Positive - having the same rendition of light and shade as in the original scene.
8. Contact sheet - a photographic image produced from film
9. Agitation - keeping a chemical moving
10. Enlarger - a specialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints for film
11. Stop bath - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion (to stop development of the film)
12. Fixer - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion
13. Safe light - A filtered light thats used in a darkroom to allow you to see while handling light sensitive material.
14. Burning - increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker.
15. Dodging - decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the photographer wishes to be lighter.
Choice Sheets
I consider newspaper to be the class I would join for next year. I would like to be in newspaper class because I am a part of Akins community, I would like to know what is or has been going on around the school. It is also important to deliver all these information to the school. We all are a part of the school community so we should share to others about what we found, what happened and etc.
Newspaper website
Newspaper website
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Abandoned Theme Parks
1. The amusement park that I would like to visit is Spreepark, Berlin, Germany. I think it is a very interesting place to visit and take pictures. The scenes are great. It looks like a really nice place to be in based on the pictures even though they are old and not repaired. There's just something about the photos that caught my attention.

3. Five other unusual places that I think would be interest to photographers are Alaska, Bangkok, Thailand, Arizona desert, and Berlin-Ichthyosaur state park.
5. I think it would be great to document Berlin-Ichthyosaur state park because it looks antique. I've looked at some pictures on google and I think it is a very strange place and mysterious. It looks like no one would live there. It would be interesting to document there because i don't think a lot of people know that place.
6.Well, first of all , I would need a car to travel with and someone else as my companion. I will need all the equipments needed for my photo shoots. I would need to bring a fair amount of money to cover for food, hotel, and etc. Laws that I would have to take into consideration would be appropriateness. Pictures have to be appropriate toward all types of audience. Also places that are restricted to take photos of. I should really be aware of that.

3. Five other unusual places that I think would be interest to photographers are Alaska, Bangkok, Thailand, Arizona desert, and Berlin-Ichthyosaur state park.
5. I think it would be great to document Berlin-Ichthyosaur state park because it looks antique. I've looked at some pictures on google and I think it is a very strange place and mysterious. It looks like no one would live there. It would be interesting to document there because i don't think a lot of people know that place.
6.Well, first of all , I would need a car to travel with and someone else as my companion. I will need all the equipments needed for my photo shoots. I would need to bring a fair amount of money to cover for food, hotel, and etc. Laws that I would have to take into consideration would be appropriateness. Pictures have to be appropriate toward all types of audience. Also places that are restricted to take photos of. I should really be aware of that.
Print evaluation - My first print
1.) The subject of the picture is kind of blurry but it could still be considered the most sharp focus compared to the rest of details in the picture.
a.) The part that appears to be closer toward your eyes and the background is not focused.
b.) Because the details or objects in the picture are too far away from the camera. For example, background. because it isn't your main focus so you want the focus to be on the main subject.
2.) No, not really because there's more white than black in the picture.
3.) Yes. The photo fulfills the rule of thirds and balance. The photo shows the boy writing on a paper which proves that he's doing something academicly.
4.) Yes, there are several solid white spots on the print. It could have probably happened during processing the print.
5.) Yes. There are both rings and spots. It could be because of the chemicals that were used for processing a print.
Who is in the photo?
What are they doing?
School work
Where are they?
In class
When is this happening?
During school.DUH!
Why are they doing this?
Because the teacher told them to
Jimmy is working on his assignment for the lab he is working on.
Everybody else seemed to be off task because they were just zoning out and not even doing anything.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Portraits and self-portraits
Professional Portrait
I think what makes a good photo is one that fulfills the rules of photo compositions because they are the main components that are consisted in a picture. Color is also an important part of a picture because certain subjects would look better or worse in certain type of colors. What also makes a good photo is it should bring out somewhat of a story when you look at the picture. It makes the picture meaningful and mysterious. There's also a lot of other factors that a picture should contain such as feeling, emotion, or inspiration.
The style that I might consider for our next time shoot would probably be emotional because I think it would be interesting what kind of feelings will be developed when the audience look at the picture.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ethics in fashion photography
1. Her lips, neck, eyes, hair, eyebrows, and her face.
2. Yes, because as a model they are supposed to look flawless. In this case, it doesn't harm or offend anybody because
3. When they complete change something that people can't even recognize.
4. If some of the facial features are being changed that could still be recognizable then it would be OK but if they completely change or replace with something that could not be recognized then that's not OK because that's lying.
5. The concept of fashion photography is its unique beauty. In most magazines, TV shows or commercials, actors want to look beautiful and flawless in order to catch the audience's attention. They want to show their attractive features toward the people. No one would want to look at a magazine if the image they're looking at is ugly. Models and actors that are appeared on magazines for example, would need the Photoshop manipulation technique in order to enhance their beautifulness.
Photojournalism is when photographers capture information and deliver it to the people in the society. They are delivering the news which have to be facts to let the world know what's going on here and there. They can't provide such lies because once it is published, everything else goes wrong. More dramas will happen.
6. The relationship of fashion photography would be impression toward people because their flawless appearance would capture the attention of the audience despite the fact that they look totally different in person. The common perception is that people would always assume that celebrities are pretty and beautiful no matter what. It doesn't quite affect the ethical practice in a way because usually people don't care if a model looks beautiful on magazines or ugly in real life. Having to look beautiful is just a part of being popular.
As for photojournalism, my own perception is it involves with newspapers. Photojournalists take pictures and write down significant information to keep as history. And speaking of history, it can't be lies because it's being carried onto generations and generations. And also photojournalists are responsible for carrying out news to let the people know what is going on in different places.
2. Yes, because as a model they are supposed to look flawless. In this case, it doesn't harm or offend anybody because
3. When they complete change something that people can't even recognize.
4. If some of the facial features are being changed that could still be recognizable then it would be OK but if they completely change or replace with something that could not be recognized then that's not OK because that's lying.
5. The concept of fashion photography is its unique beauty. In most magazines, TV shows or commercials, actors want to look beautiful and flawless in order to catch the audience's attention. They want to show their attractive features toward the people. No one would want to look at a magazine if the image they're looking at is ugly. Models and actors that are appeared on magazines for example, would need the Photoshop manipulation technique in order to enhance their beautifulness.
Photojournalism is when photographers capture information and deliver it to the people in the society. They are delivering the news which have to be facts to let the world know what's going on here and there. They can't provide such lies because once it is published, everything else goes wrong. More dramas will happen.
6. The relationship of fashion photography would be impression toward people because their flawless appearance would capture the attention of the audience despite the fact that they look totally different in person. The common perception is that people would always assume that celebrities are pretty and beautiful no matter what. It doesn't quite affect the ethical practice in a way because usually people don't care if a model looks beautiful on magazines or ugly in real life. Having to look beautiful is just a part of being popular.
As for photojournalism, my own perception is it involves with newspapers. Photojournalists take pictures and write down significant information to keep as history. And speaking of history, it can't be lies because it's being carried onto generations and generations. And also photojournalists are responsible for carrying out news to let the people know what is going on in different places.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Negatives Evaluation
1. 7 and the rest of them look a little bit darker
2. 5 because they appear to look darker than other ones. The main subjects aren't appeared to be noticeable.
3. I think the picture that I picked out will turn out well because it looks very defined and you can literally see the objects and details in the picture. It looks really neat and not overwhelmed by the details or background subjects.
4. One of the technical aspects of photography that is present in my best negative has to be the focus because I can clearly see the details and the main subject.
5. One of the advanced composition techniques that is present in my negative would be rule of thirds.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Photo manipulation and ethics
A. The story basically talks about how photographers were fired from their companies due to image manipulation by using software such as Adobe Photoshop to alter the photos. The message that the story is trying to convey is that it is not acceptable to use softwares to alter photos because that's hiding the truth from everybody. Being a photographer, it could ruin your whole career if you do something illegal and unethical.
B. I think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable because it ruins a photographer's reputation and their professionalism. By altering the photos, they are offending the people or the object being altered. When the audience look at the pictures, they want to see the reality in it because nobody wants to see lies in it. It also ruins the credibility of the photographer. If their action is exposed, then their whole career is gone. All the efforts they had put in become nothing. It's the honesty and sincerity that the photographers should show their audience and deliver the truth to the world.
A. I think this picture is the most unethical because it offends Oprah. It is definitely an insult toward Oprah in a way by telling the audience that Oprah's body is not good enough to be on the newspaper so they replaced it with Ann Margaret's body.
B. I think this picture is the least unethical because it's basically just a picture, a cover. It doesn't contain people or anything that would make it offensive. They manipulated this picture by moving the pyramids closer together to accommodate this vertical National Geographic cover. I think it doesn't hurt anything by doing that. They just want it to look better the way they think it would.
A. The story basically talks about how photographers were fired from their companies due to image manipulation by using software such as Adobe Photoshop to alter the photos. The message that the story is trying to convey is that it is not acceptable to use softwares to alter photos because that's hiding the truth from everybody. Being a photographer, it could ruin your whole career if you do something illegal and unethical.
B. I think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable because it ruins a photographer's reputation and their professionalism. By altering the photos, they are offending the people or the object being altered. When the audience look at the pictures, they want to see the reality in it because nobody wants to see lies in it. It also ruins the credibility of the photographer. If their action is exposed, then their whole career is gone. All the efforts they had put in become nothing. It's the honesty and sincerity that the photographers should show their audience and deliver the truth to the world.
A. I think this picture is the most unethical because it offends Oprah. It is definitely an insult toward Oprah in a way by telling the audience that Oprah's body is not good enough to be on the newspaper so they replaced it with Ann Margaret's body.
B. I think this picture is the least unethical because it's basically just a picture, a cover. It doesn't contain people or anything that would make it offensive. They manipulated this picture by moving the pyramids closer together to accommodate this vertical National Geographic cover. I think it doesn't hurt anything by doing that. They just want it to look better the way they think it would.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Drug Cartels in Mexico
According to the story, I have learned that Juarez is a very dangerous place to be in. Many people are having a hard time trying to get through the day just because of the fear that they might get killed. It is very sad that people are trying to live in peace but their lives are threatened everyday by the cartels. Many Mexican people have been killed after the Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared war on the cartels. It was estimated 28,000 people. It is such a tragedy to even think about that much innocent people have died. Everybody wants to live in a place where they feel safe and secure but unfortunately they have to live their everyday life worrying about if they'll survive.
This picture consists of the rule of thirds and simplicity. The picture isn't complex because the background doesn't contain quite many details. It basically just a solid background of 2 colors which creates simplicity.
The reason why I picked this picture as my favorite is because it is very emotional. You can see the expression on the girl's face and guess that she's dealing with something very sad. She shows the worrying face that people would empathize and share her sadness.
This picture consists of the rule of thirds and simplicity. The picture isn't complex because the background doesn't contain quite many details. It basically just a solid background of 2 colors which creates simplicity.
The reason why I picked this picture as my favorite is because it is very emotional. You can see the expression on the girl's face and guess that she's dealing with something very sad. She shows the worrying face that people would empathize and share her sadness.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Making a Black and White print
1.) Materials necessary to make a black and white print
2.) List of chemicals
3.) Summary
First of all, you need to have all your equipments ready to go in the dark room then turn the light off except for the orange dark light on. The next step is pour the chemicals and water into 4 different containers about 1 inch deep then follow the instructions on how to mix them. After that, you place the test strip underneath the enlarger and cover all but 1 inch of it with a dark solid material. Press the button on your enlarger to expose the film for ½ a second to 1 full second. Then continuously move the paper down 1 inch and expose the film until you run out of room. Now your going to develop your test strip photo using the chemicals prepared. First you sink it in the developer and agitate with the tongs until you see the image. Then take it out to the stop bath for 1 minute then rinse it with water for a few second before you drop it into the fix solution for 3-5minutes. After that you rinse it with water again then look at the test strip in normal light in order to choose the exposure you like best for your print. Come back to the darkroom and repeat all the steps above for your actual photo print then your done.
1. emulsion - A light sensitive coating on photographic film and paper. An emulsion is made up of silver halides and gelatin.
2. aperture - the camera allows you to select the aperture over the available range and have the camera calculate the best shutter speed to expose the image correctly.
3. masking easel - A darkroom device used to hold paper flat while exposing it to light from an enlarger. An easel creates a white border surrounding a print because its "arms" block light from striking the print paper's edges.
4. exposure - the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium or during the process of taking a photograph.
5. safe light - A filtered light thats used in a darkroom to allow you to see while handling light sensitive material.
6. dodging - used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area(s) on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the image's exposure.
7. burning - used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area(s) on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the image's exposure.
- Timer
- Focusing Aids
- Safelights
- Developer
- Fix
- Stop bath
- Enlarger
- Photo paper
- Film
- Scissors
- Water
- 4 large containers
- 3 pairs of tongs
2.) List of chemicals
First of all, you need to have all your equipments ready to go in the dark room then turn the light off except for the orange dark light on. The next step is pour the chemicals and water into 4 different containers about 1 inch deep then follow the instructions on how to mix them. After that, you place the test strip underneath the enlarger and cover all but 1 inch of it with a dark solid material. Press the button on your enlarger to expose the film for ½ a second to 1 full second. Then continuously move the paper down 1 inch and expose the film until you run out of room. Now your going to develop your test strip photo using the chemicals prepared. First you sink it in the developer and agitate with the tongs until you see the image. Then take it out to the stop bath for 1 minute then rinse it with water for a few second before you drop it into the fix solution for 3-5minutes. After that you rinse it with water again then look at the test strip in normal light in order to choose the exposure you like best for your print. Come back to the darkroom and repeat all the steps above for your actual photo print then your done.
Words Definitions
1. emulsion - A light sensitive coating on photographic film and paper. An emulsion is made up of silver halides and gelatin.
2. aperture - the camera allows you to select the aperture over the available range and have the camera calculate the best shutter speed to expose the image correctly.
3. masking easel - A darkroom device used to hold paper flat while exposing it to light from an enlarger. An easel creates a white border surrounding a print because its "arms" block light from striking the print paper's edges.
4. exposure - the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium or during the process of taking a photograph.
5. safe light - A filtered light thats used in a darkroom to allow you to see while handling light sensitive material.
6. dodging - used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area(s) on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the image's exposure.
7. burning - used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area(s) on a photographic print, deviating from the rest of the image's exposure.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Post Shoot Reflection
One of the challenges that I encountered was trying to take a picture of someone doing their work. People started posing when I pointed the camera at them so I had to tell them that they can keep doing what they're supposed to.
The technical aspect of photography that I think about the most is focus because I think focus is important for every picture that you take. When I was taking pictures, I didn't think about the focus at first then after that, I realized that what I was seeing through the camera was very blurry. So I had to keep reminding myself to set the focus when I take the pictures.
Some of the advanced composition techniques that I considered while shooting were simplicity, viewpoint, background, and cropping. I thought that it was important to include these techniques in your picture to enhance its significance so I tried taking pictures at different angles, a close up of one person doing something, and not include too much details to keep its simplicity.
I would take pictures of different subjects and backgrounds. I should also include various details in my pictures to fulfill different photo compositions.
One of the challenges that I encountered was trying to take a picture of someone doing their work. People started posing when I pointed the camera at them so I had to tell them that they can keep doing what they're supposed to.
The technical aspect of photography that I think about the most is focus because I think focus is important for every picture that you take. When I was taking pictures, I didn't think about the focus at first then after that, I realized that what I was seeing through the camera was very blurry. So I had to keep reminding myself to set the focus when I take the pictures.
Some of the advanced composition techniques that I considered while shooting were simplicity, viewpoint, background, and cropping. I thought that it was important to include these techniques in your picture to enhance its significance so I tried taking pictures at different angles, a close up of one person doing something, and not include too much details to keep its simplicity.
I would take pictures of different subjects and backgrounds. I should also include various details in my pictures to fulfill different photo compositions.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Processing Black and White Photos
1.) Materials to process black and white films:
- A metal or plastic film tank
- Three dark plastic containers to hold chemistry
- Graduates (used to measure chemicals)
- A darkroom timer
- A can opener
- A room that is totally light proof (not even the slightest sliver of light should be visible).
- Developer (see other sidebar)
- Glacial Acetic Acid (optional, for Stop Bath)
- Fixer (Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener is highly recommended)
- Hypo Eliminator
- Film Developer
- Fixer with hardener
- Stop bath
- Hypo Eliminator Bath
3.) Summary
So basically in the darkroom, you would have to remove your film from the cassette. You load the film onto either a metal or plastic film reel. After that, you place the loaded reel in the film tank and cover it as directed. You can turn on the light after that because the film is now in a light tight container. Here comes the actual processing part. First of all, you would have to set up your chemicals in front of you which include a film developer, a stop bath, a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath. You want to make sure that the temperature of the chemicals is carefully controlled because they are affected by the speed of the film and the temperature of the developer. The next step is pour developer into the open part of the sealed film tank also known as the pour spout and cover it. Leave it there for a certain amount of time required. When your done, take the lid off the tank's pour spout and pour it out. Now pour running water into the pour spout for one minute to stop development. Now it is time to use a fixer with hardener to fix your image so then it could be viewed in normal light. Usually fixing takes around 5 to 10 minutes. After that, you remove the tank cover completely and let the film sit in cold running water for five minutes. Now you are going to remove all traces of the fixer to avoid the appearance of white stains on the negatives. Then pour in a tankful of Hypo eliminator and agitate for 2 minutes. Finally you wash it for another 5 minutes. Now pull the film out of the tank and use washing pins or film clips to hang the film to dry in a dust-free area. The film will be dried in about 1 to 2 hours.4.)
Film Tank
Film Developer
Words Definitions
1. Contact sheet - a photographic image produced from film
2. Agitation - keeping a chemical moving
3. Enlarger - a specialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints for film
4. Developer - causes the silver iodide of the film or paper emulsion to darken if it has been exposed to light
5. Stop Bath - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion (to stop development of the film)
6. Fixer - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion
2. Agitation - keeping a chemical moving
3. Enlarger - a specialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints for film
4. Developer - causes the silver iodide of the film or paper emulsion to darken if it has been exposed to light
5. Stop Bath - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion (to stop development of the film)
6. Fixer - removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What the pros are doing - Repetition
Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia.
This picture is being repeated by the picture on the screen and how the seats are arranged.
Bubbly Time
The Red Sox let the champagne fly after winning their second World Series in four years.
The Red Sox let the champagne fly after winning their second World Series in four years.
This picture is being repeated by the colors of the uniforms that these men are wearing, the glasses and the beer buckets.
Slice of Heaven
Judges rate Alpine cheese in Oberstdorf, Germany. Jury members at the 5th Alpine Cheese Olympics rated over 700 kinds of Alpine cheese from all over the world.
Judges rate Alpine cheese in Oberstdorf, Germany. Jury members at the 5th Alpine Cheese Olympics rated over 700 kinds of Alpine cheese from all over the world.
This picture is being repeated by the shapes of the cakes, how the tables are aligned, and the people that are wearing the same uniform.
Monday, October 25, 2010
American Soldier slideshows and captions
A. This is a powerful image because it shows their emotions and how sad they are that they had to leave home.
B. The most powerful sequence of photographs would be the "signing up" pictures. It shows a pattern of his path from graduating til he had to leave home. Ian was trying to have a good time with his family and friends before he had to leave. The pattern of the pictures goes from when he graduated, when he spent times with his family and friends and finally the day that he had to pack up.
C. The images work together to tell a story by showing snapshots of actions to describe what is happening in the pictures.
A. Present tense.
B. It describes what is happening in the picture or the story behind it
Jonathan kisses his girlfriend passionately at a gathering of old friends.
Jonathan and Kayla were having fun at the party before Monday when they had to go work.
A.The features in the videos enhance the photographs by giving the audience a clearer idea of the story and it shows how the characters feel towards what was happening.
B. The videos give you more information about the story behind the pictures beside just relying on the captions to figure out the story by yourself. An example of the video would be when his mother talks about how she was there to sign the papers work with her son. She asked him if he really wants to do this and he said yes. And also his dad talks about how Ian decided to join the army and that he respects his decision.Without watching the video,I wouldn't have known that Ian Fisher had an option to refuse the service that he was offered. I originally thought that Ian was required to go but he actually made the decision to join the army.
C. There are some ways that the photos are better than the videos because there's more details in the photos. The photos give you a visual imagination of what the people are talking about in the video. The photos also show you what was happening and who the characters were, etc. An example in the video would be when everybody was expressing how emotional they were when Ian was leaving but don't you really want to know how they looked? and what they did for him before he had to leave? Basically photos and videos work together to convey the story to the audience.
A. This is a powerful image because it shows their emotions and how sad they are that they had to leave home.
B. The most powerful sequence of photographs would be the "signing up" pictures. It shows a pattern of his path from graduating til he had to leave home. Ian was trying to have a good time with his family and friends before he had to leave. The pattern of the pictures goes from when he graduated, when he spent times with his family and friends and finally the day that he had to pack up.
C. The images work together to tell a story by showing snapshots of actions to describe what is happening in the pictures.
A. Present tense.
B. It describes what is happening in the picture or the story behind it
Jonathan kisses his girlfriend passionately at a gathering of old friends.
Jonathan and Kayla were having fun at the party before Monday when they had to go work.
A.The features in the videos enhance the photographs by giving the audience a clearer idea of the story and it shows how the characters feel towards what was happening.
B. The videos give you more information about the story behind the pictures beside just relying on the captions to figure out the story by yourself. An example of the video would be when his mother talks about how she was there to sign the papers work with her son. She asked him if he really wants to do this and he said yes. And also his dad talks about how Ian decided to join the army and that he respects his decision.Without watching the video,I wouldn't have known that Ian Fisher had an option to refuse the service that he was offered. I originally thought that Ian was required to go but he actually made the decision to join the army.
C. There are some ways that the photos are better than the videos because there's more details in the photos. The photos give you a visual imagination of what the people are talking about in the video. The photos also show you what was happening and who the characters were, etc. An example in the video would be when everybody was expressing how emotional they were when Ian was leaving but don't you really want to know how they looked? and what they did for him before he had to leave? Basically photos and videos work together to convey the story to the audience.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Funny Captions
Lulu's wearing his favorite outfit taking a walk on a saturday afternoon.
He was trying to take a sneak peek at a cute kitty when his owner was trying to pull him away.
Omgg! it's the newest invention of the Macbook.
I was wondering if you guys ever seen how it looks like so here it is.
I was wondering if you guys ever seen how it looks like so here it is.
Lisa is a weak little kitty without a family or even a shelter.
She unfortunately had no where to go so the street became her new home from now on.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Marlboro Marine
A. What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slideshow? (Think about the overall presentation: audio, editing, text)
-Luis Sinco includes a lot of techniques in his video such as voice over of the main character. He uses text to indicate the location, time period and etc. The video not only consists of photographs but also the main character talking which makes it more interesting. It gives people an idea of how the main character sounds like to have a better imagination of him.
B. What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slideshow?
-It makes the video sounds more emotional and with more feelings
A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?
-The one that he was smoking a cigarette and putting his head down. It shows a lot of emotions and the depressing look on his face.
B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
-The sequence of the building exploding is the most powerful photograph to me because it's showing me how terrible it was and soldiers were running everywhere panicking.
C. How does the audio enhance the photographs?
-The audio enhances the photographs by connecting the story and the pictures together. The pictures are presented to give us an idea of what the character is talking about in the video.
D. How do the images work together to tell a story?
-While the main character is narrating, the pictures in the video go along to help and give the audience an idea of what he is talking about.
-Luis Sinco includes a lot of techniques in his video such as voice over of the main character. He uses text to indicate the location, time period and etc. The video not only consists of photographs but also the main character talking which makes it more interesting. It gives people an idea of how the main character sounds like to have a better imagination of him.
B. What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slideshow?
-It makes the video sounds more emotional and with more feelings
A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?
-The one that he was smoking a cigarette and putting his head down. It shows a lot of emotions and the depressing look on his face.
B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
-The sequence of the building exploding is the most powerful photograph to me because it's showing me how terrible it was and soldiers were running everywhere panicking.
C. How does the audio enhance the photographs?
-The audio enhances the photographs by connecting the story and the pictures together. The pictures are presented to give us an idea of what the character is talking about in the video.
D. How do the images work together to tell a story?
-While the main character is narrating, the pictures in the video go along to help and give the audience an idea of what he is talking about.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Contest Preview Part 2
This picture is interesting because I think he's awesome. I wonder how he could walk and balance himself on the tiny string. It's just really crazy and really cool :)
Video :
I think this video is very interesting because they are talking about this young girl who is going through so many surgeries because her skull isn't growing normally. She also has vision lost and hearing lost. In order to recover from all these she has been going through a lot of surgeries. I think it is really sad and tragic for a young girl to go through such hardships in her life because she is so young and so innocent :( ....
Contest Preview
ATPI Fall Contest
This picture is powerful because I don't know how there's stars during day time.... "O.O"
The colors and effects make the picture really stands out especially the palm tree is the center of attention in the big blue sky. It looks like it's blocking the sun and exposing sun lights. The picture is exposed by the denseness and solidity of its color which mainly focuses on the blue sky but the palm tree still stands out. The picture looks very sharp and flawless. There's really not much details but the picture doesn't look empty at all. It fulfills the rule balance because it has darkness and brightness. It also fulfills the rule of simplicity because it basically consists of a palm tree and a background of a blue sky. But anywaiiiiii, I think this picture is a realllyyyyyy kooool picture :D
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Black & White Photographers PART 3
Josef Koudelka
1) I see the man is standing from somewhere off the ground. When I first first look at this picture, the first thing i notice is the tower at the end tip of the picture. I think this picture is symmetrical because if you divide the picture into half half, it would look symmetric.
2) I smell trees because there are a lot of trees around. I smell dirt because the street looks very dirty. It's like the street has been lying there for a long time. No one is driving on it and it gets old.
3) I hear honking noises from the only car that is visible in this picture. I hear the wind trying to escape from the gaps between the trees. I hear birds squeaking through the silence of early morning when no one is present.
4) I taste dry air and trees because there are too many trees that would make the environment smells like trees. The dry air
5) I feel like I'm walking on an endless road. I feel like I'm the only one that is present because no one is around. I feel like I have everything that is mine that I can do whatever I want :)
1) I see a lot of snow and people are trying to get away from the cold. I see a man on a unicycle trying to cross the street that is filled with snow. I see cars and a lot of things around dipped in snow. I see it is snowing and that's why the man on the unicycle is hiding himself under an umbrella because he probably doesn't want to get wet from the snow.
2) I smell snow and the coldness from it. I also smell natural because when it's snowing, it doesnt specifically smell or taste like anything and I think snow doesn't have a smell. I smell coffee from the coffee shops and the people because everybody drinks hot coffee to warm themselves up when it's really cold especially in the cold states :)
3) I hear the snow falling and traveling around in the air. I hear the creaking noises that the cars make from trying to get away from the snow on the street.
4) I taste cold air that's traveling through my mouth and my tongue. I taste snow falling in my mouth when I talk or try to warm up my hands by breathing on them :)
5) I feel really cold because it is snowing and it's freezing. I feel the snow on my clothes and its making me colder :((
Monday, October 4, 2010
Academics Preview
The Story
Based on my opinions, I think this picture has a great story behind it. As you can see, the man looks like he's one of the people that go around the world to help the poor and abandoned children. He's even wearing a banner on his neck which gives you an idea of what he might be. The photographer took this picture really closed up because he wants the audience to recognize the sympathy look that the man has on the little girl. More than that, the background could give you a little bit more information about this story. Those boxes and bags could be the things that they bring to the poor children. And again, I think this picture tells the best story and it gives people emotions.
Action and Emotion
The reason why I picked this picture as the best action because I think the boy in the picture looks really tense about what he's doing. You can see the serious look on his face while he is pouring the liquid into a different tube. You can also tell that he's serious because he doesn't want to spill the liquid because he might get in trouble for that.
Filling the Frame
I picked this picture as the most interesting picture because I think it is really interesting and it trigs my curiosity. When I first looked at this picture, I really want to know what he is holding. It looks really interesting and it makes you want to know what he's disecting. You can see the serious look on his face. It's like he's wondering what's inside the thing or what's gona happen after he disects the thing. Who knows?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Photo Composition
10 Top Photography Composition Rules
Theme: Six Flags
1. Rule of thirds
5. Viewpoint
6. Background
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hurricane Ike
This picture best displays the composition of both simplicity and balance. It fulfills the rule of simplicity because the picture doesn't consist of a lot of details. The house is the biggest object that fills up the background of the picture. It also fulfills the rule of balance because the house which is the main focus is placed almost in the middle. It slightly stands on the right more but the cars are filling up spaces which make the picture more balanced. The subject of this photo strikes me because it's hard to imagine such a nice house like that was swept away by the hurricane. It is also sad for the hardworking of the people that tried to build it up.
This picture best displays the composition of Avoiding Mergers because the woman takes up most the space of the picture. When you look at this picture, you immediately look at her because she is the main focus that makes you not wanting to look at anywhere else. The subject of this photo strikes me because of how emotional the picture makes me feel. I can really feel how they were going through such a disaster that no one expected to happen. They were probably thinking that it was the end of their life because they had to start their life over again from scratch.
Great Black & White Photographers PART 2
Josef Koudelka
Josef Koudelka was born on January 10, 1938 in Boskovice, Czechoslovakia. He is a Czech photographer. Koudelka graduated from Prague's Technical University with a degree of aeronautical engineering. In 1962, he was largely self-taught and became a photographer at the Divaldo Theatre, Prague. He devoted himself entirely to photography. In 1967, Koudelka decided to give up his career in engineering for full-time work as a photographer. In 1969, he won the Robert Capa Gold Medal and many other significant awards during the 70's through 90's such as the Prix Nadar(1978), a Grand Prix National de la Photographie, etc. The first book that Koudelka published was Gypsies in 1975 and Exiles was his second one in 1988. Since 1986, Koudelka has worked with a panoramic camera and issued a compilation of these photographs in his book. During his lifetime, Koudelka had published more then a dozen books of his work, including most recently in 2006, the retrospective volume Koudelka. Koudelka resides in France and Prague and is continuing his work documenting the European landscape. He also has two daughters and a young son which live in different countries; France, England and Italy.
Monday, September 20, 2010
My Pinhole Picture
1) Negative and Positive Differences:
- Everything that was black on the negative is completely white on the positive
- The picture is flipped
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Avoiding Mergers
Good Example: When you look at this picture, your eyes will jump directly to the two women holding onto each other. It is also the main focus and you probably don't want to look anywhere else because they stand out too much.
Bad Example: The background is a little packed which can distract you from looking at the main focus.
Good Example: The frame actually stands out and it's framing the background which you can see.
Bad Example: The frame is too dark to be seen and for people to literally recognize it.
Good Example: The 2 trees make the picture balanced because they're not in the same place or corner. They're placed on two different sides and when you look at the picture, it doesnt look empty but filled.
Bad Example: It doesn't have that many details to help the picture really balances out. Like only the trees make the picture a little more filled up.
Good Example: The picture consists of mostly lines
Bad Example: There are too much lines and the picture doesn't lead you anywhere
The Rule of Thirds
Good Example: It is a good example because it follows the rule of thirds. The man is the main lead and yet you can still see the background.
Bad Example: The background is a little blurry which keeps you from recognizing what is in the background
Good Example: It is a good example because the picture doesn't have a lot of details which meets the requirement of simplicity.
Bad Example: It is a bad example because the lines take up most the space of the picture and you cant really see what is its main focus.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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